
China Logos History

History of Team China World Baseball Classic logos, uniforms and baseball caps. The WBC is an international tournament held every three to four years starting in 2006. The tournament is run in partnership with Major League Baseball and is the only international baseball tournament to include players from MLB. The tournament is held during the month of March and features between 16 to 20 competing nations.

中国队世界棒球经典赛标志、制服和棒球帽的历史。 WBC 是从 2006 年开始每三到四年举办一次的国际锦标赛。该锦标赛与美国职业棒球大联盟合作举办,是唯一包括 MLB 球员的国际棒球锦标赛。 比赛在 3 月份举行,有 16 到 20 个参赛国家参加。

China Primary Logos History

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China Cap Logos History

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China Caps History

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China Jersey Logos History

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China Dark Uniforms History

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China Light Uniforms History

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China Misc Logos History

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