
Korea Logos History

History of Team Korea World Baseball Classic logos, uniforms and baseball caps. The WBC is an international tournament held every three to four years starting in 2006. The tournament is run in partnership with Major League Baseball and is the only international baseball tournament to include players from MLB. The tournament is held during the month of March and features between 16 to 20 competing nations.

팀 코리아의 역사 월드 베이스볼 클래식 로고, 유니폼, 야구모자. WBC는 2006년부터 3~4년마다 개최되는 국제대회다. 이 대회는 메이저리그와 공동으로 운영되며 MLB 선수들이 참가하는 유일한 국제야구대회다. 토너먼트는 3월 한 달 동안 열리며 16~20개국이 경쟁합니다.

Korea Primary Logos History

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Korea Cap Logos History

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Korea Caps History

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Korea Jersey Logos History

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Korea Dark Uniforms History

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Korea Light Uniforms History

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Korea Misc Logos History

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