The original New York Knicks logo depicted a cartoon of Father Knickerbocker wearing a black hat and a blue and orange period outfit, running while dribbling a basketball. The Knicks used this logo for their first 15 seasons and would bring back a similar version to be used by their development team in the 21st Century.
Notable Players of this era: Carl Braun, Dick McGuire, Richie Guerin, Tom Gola
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Primary Logo (1946-1964)
Primary Dark Logo (1946-1964)
Home Uniform (1946-1952)
Home Uniform (1952-1961)
Home Uniform (1960-1968)
Road Uniform (1946-1952)
Road Uniform (1952-1961)
Road Uniform (1960-1968)
1946/47 - 1963/64
1964/65 - 1978/79
1979/80 - 1982/83
1983/84 - 1988/89
1989/90 - 1991/92
1992/93 - 1994/95
1995/96 - 2010/11
2011/12 - 2021/22
2023/24 - Pres