Green maple leaf on white, worn on the first Toronto Maple Leafs uniforms adopted midway through the 1926-27 season
Notable Players of this era: Ace Bailey
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The Toronto St Pats were re-named the Toronto Maple Leafs midway through the 1926-27 season, they carried on with the St Pats green and white colour scheme for the remainder of that first season before switching to blue and white permanently in 1927-28.
1919/20 - 1921/22
1922/23 - 1924/25
1927/28 - 1937/38
1938/39 - 1962/63
1963/64 - 1966/67
1967/68 - 1969/70
1970/71 - 1981/82
1982/83 - 1986/87
1987/88 - 2015/16
2016/17 - Pres