
Central Florida Knights Logo

Misc Logo (1968-2007)

What is this Central Florida Knights Logo?

Pegasus in metallic gold. The Pegasus design is reserved for institutional purposes but has appeared on athletic uniforms.

Unveiled on Friday, April 5, 1968
Image last updated on Wednesday, September 8, 2021

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More Information on This Logo

The story behind the creation of the FTU institutional seal started in 1966 when a local citizen, Winter Parks Major Forrest Shoup, sent a letter to Florida Governor Haydon Burns asking to take into consideration some thoughts he had as to the design of the schools seal. After the two traded their thoughts, the Board of Regents business manager, Philip Goree, was asked to respond by sending letters to all of the public and private state universities asking for sample copies of their institutional seals. Founding President Charles Millican\'s newly-formed executive staff assembled the lists of designs and color combinations, attended university seal conferences and consulted with various artists before compiling a final designer\'s criteria list. Nearly two years passed when the seal of FTU finally made its public debut on April 5, 1968. The final seal was made up of the Pegasus, designed to bridge the gap between the humanities and space technology and was chosen as a symbol of the universitys goal of moving forward and making a rendezvous with space and the stars. It seemed natural that the development of the schools name, seal and motto, Reach for the Stars, was greatly influenced by its close proximity to the burgeoning space program at nearby Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. Just as significant, the school colors - black and gold - were also as chosen, by school president Dr. Charles Millican, at the same time as seal.



Other Central Florida Knights Logos and Uniforms from this era


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