A blue jay perched above the Phillies script in red, stars dotting each i
Notable Players of this era: Jimmie Foxx, Chuck Klein
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In 1944 the Phillies had a nickname contest via a local newspaper in which fans could submit their ideas for a second team nickname -- Blue Jays was the winning choice and, while the team was still known as the Philadelphia Phillies officially, they wore this blue jay logo on their uniform sleeves.
1901 - 1909
1911 - 1914
1915 - 1937
1939 - 1943
1944 - 1945
1946 - 1949
1950 - 1969
1970 - 1975
1976 - 1980
1981 - 1983
1984 - 1991
1992 - 2018
2019 - Pres