Secondary cowbell logo in maroon turned 45 degrees to our right.
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Cowbells are a significant part of any Mississippi State University experience. The tradition began after a jersey cow wandered onto the football field in the early 1900s, disrupting a game. Subsequently, State won the football game, and the cow became a symbol of good luck. Eventually, the cow was replaced with just the cowbell. Handles were welded onto the bells to ease ringing, and cowbells are now manufactured and sold specifically as athletic noisemakers. Clanging cowbells rung by many of the State fans is a part of the tradition of MSU football games, despite the SEC banning artificial noisemakers at conference games, a rule aimed at Mississippi State, from 1974 to 2010. That rule was finally lifted at the beginning of the 2010 season, initially on a trial basis, with cowbells only permitted to ring during halftime, timeouts, and after touchdowns. Bulldog fans complied with these rules, and cowbells have been allowed every season ever since.
Primary Logo (2009-2019)
Primary Logo (2019-2024)
Primary Dark Logo (2015-2019)
Primary Dark Logo (2019-2024)
Primary Dark Logo (2019-2024)
Secondary Logo (2009-2023)
Secondary Logo (2009-2023)
Secondary Logo (2009-2023)
Secondary Logo (2009-2023)
Secondary Logo (2009-2023)
Secondary Logo (2009-2024)
Secondary Logo (2017-2023)
Secondary Logo (2017-2023)
Secondary Logo (2017-2024)
Secondary Logo (2019-2024)
Secondary Logo (2023-2024)
Secondary Logo (2023-2024)
Alternate Logo (2009-2018)
Cap Logo (1968-Pres)
Helmet Logo (2015-2017)
Helmet Logo (2015-2018)
Helmet Logo (2016-2017)
Helmet Logo (2018-2019)
Helmet Logo (2018)
Helmet Logo (2019-Pres)
Helmet Logo (2019)
Helmet Logo (2019-Pres)
Helmet Logo (2020)
Helmet Logo (2020)
Helmet Logo (2021)
Helmet Logo (2022-Pres)
Helmet Logo (2022-Pres)
Wordmark Logo (2009-2023)
Wordmark Logo (2009-2023)
Wordmark Logo (2009-2023)
Wordmark Logo (2019-2024)
Wordmark Logo (2019-2024)
Wordmark Logo (2019-2024)
Wordmark Logo (2019-2023)
Wordmark Logo (2019-2024)
Wordmark Logo (2021-2024)
Champion Logo (2021)
Stadium Logo (2019)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)
Mascot Logo (2019-Pres)