
South Florida Bulls Logo

Primary Logo (1974-1987)

What is the South Florida Bulls Logo?

South Florida`s athletic symbol, chosen by the students in 1962, is a Golden Brahman, a breed of cattle suited to the subtropics and to Florida. When the students were selecting a mascot back then, the situation really got fowled up. The students, who thought they had a bull by the horns, had really picked a chicken. Or, you might say, they laid an egg in their selection of a mascot. When the selection of Golden Brahmas was announced, the cattle industry quickly pointed out that a brahma is not a bull at all -a brahma is a chicken, a brahman is a bull. Despite the incomplete spelling, there was no plans afoot on the mascot-weary campus to let a chicken horn in on the competition -even if the university is located on Fowler Avenue. The official mascot was still the Golden Brahman, but over the course of years, the name was shortened to just the Brahmans, out of which has evolved the Bulls for the men`s teams and Lady Brahmans for the women. Other versions of this logo include smoke blowing from both nostrils, a right-facing version, and a basketball-specific version. The next Primary would be a head-only of this version.

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