
Abbotsford Canucks Logos History

American Hockey League Logos Springfield Indians (1936/37-1950/51) ► Springfield Indians (1954/55-1966/67) ► Springfield Kings (1967/68-1973/74) ► Springfield Indians (1974/75-1993/94) ► Worcester IceCats (1994/95-2004/05) ► Peoria Rivermen (2005/06-2012/13) ► Utica Comets (2013/14-2020/21) ► Abbotsford Canucks (2021/22-Pres)

Abbotsford Canucks Logo and Uniform News
Johnny Canuck Returns as Logo for New AHL Team in AbbotsfordMore Logo and Uniform News

Abbotsford Canucks Primary Logos History

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Abbotsford Canucks Primary Dark Logos History

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Abbotsford Canucks Jersey Logos History

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