
Toronto Maple Leafs Logo

Primary Logo (1987/88-2015/16)

What is the Toronto Maple Leafs Logo?

Blue 11-point maple leaf with the team name inside in white, shade of blue darkened prior to the 1987-88 sesaon

Image last updated on Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Notable Players of this era:

Mats Sundin, Doug Gilmour, Vincent Damphousse, Dave Andreychuk, Glenn Anderson, Alexander Mogilny, Ed Belfour, Larry Murphy, Mike Gartner, Borje Salming, Kirk Muller, Grant Fuhr, Joe Nieuwendyk, Eric Lindros, Brian Leetch, Ron Francis, Phil Housley

User Rating

User's Rating: 6.0/10 (1966 votes cast)

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Photos of this Toronto Maple Leafs Logo in action


Other Toronto Maple Leafs Logos and Uniforms from this era


Toronto Maple Leafs Logo Timeline