
Boston Celtics Logo

Primary Logo (1974/75-1995/96)

What is the Boston Celtics Logo?

Celtic in green and white twirling a basketball in a green circle


Zang Auerbach

Image last updated on Friday, July 2, 2021

Notable Players of this era:

Robert Parish, Kevin McHale, Larry Bird, Dennis Johnson, Jo Jo White, Dino Radja, Charlie Scott, Bill Walton, Paul Westphal, Dominique Wilkins, Artis Gilmore, Bob McAdoo

User Rating

User's Rating: 6.0/10 (1780 votes cast)

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More Information on This Logo

Designed by Zang Auerbach, brother of Red Auerbach, who was an editorial cartoonist for The Washington Post



Other Boston Celtics Logos and Uniforms from this era


Boston Celtics Logo Timeline